Winter Skincare Routine

I’ve never been great at taking care of my skin. I’m still not the best about it. I won’t lie. However, it’s one of the many things I’ve been working on improving. I am doing my best to create healthy habits so my daughter can see me doing them, do them with me, and hopefully have less of a hard time doing them when she’s my age. I know I say this often, but it’s my thought process behind almost everything I do. I want to be a role model for my kids.

Well, in the spirit of taking better care of my skin, I have decided to try a new skincare routine for the fall and winter months. That’s why I was really excited when Derma E Gifted me with their Collagen products and Anti-Wrinkle Treatment Oil.

Before getting into it all, I guess I should start by saying that I have combination, sensitive skin, and am prone to breakouts. This is why I gravitate towards natural skincare products, like Derma E. And while I prefer top quality, let’s face it, I don’t have the money to go spending $50 on one small thing of moisturizer which is why I appreciate how affordable their products are as well.

The Advanced Peptides and Collagen Moisturizer is a double-action peptide cream made to visibly soften and smooth the appearance of wrinkles. Thank goodness because I swear my children are aging me at a ridiculously fast rate. The moisturizer is a bit creamier than what I’m used to putting on my face, but it’s not too heavy and absorbs well.

My favorite is the Advanced Peptides and Collagen Eye Cream. Because the racoon eyes be real. Honestly, you would think I have an eight month old who doesn’t consistently sleep through the night and drains me of energy… oh wait, I do… At least with this cream, I feel like it’s a little harder to tell now. Hehe. The double-action eye cream visibly smooths the look of even the deepest wrinkles and crow’s feet for more youthful eyes. And I personally believe it helps lighten the under eye area well.

Next, I apply the Advanced Peptides and Collagen Serum. The light-weight serum can be applied to the skin and neck to promote smoother, younger-looking skin.

Last is the Anti-Wrinkle Treatment Oil. It is a potent concentration of Vitamins A and Be to keep skin youthful and vibrant. Though I didn’t see it listed as an ingredient, and it is fragrance free, it smells like pine to me. The oil is a bit thick and doesn’t feel well on my face, but that could just be because I already have oily skin. Instead, I prefer to apply this to my neck.

Overall, I really enjoy adding all the products to my skin care routine. I still mix and match sometimes using my acne treatments, but I feel like my skin has been smoother and more vibrant since using these.

What are your favorite skincare products? Have you used Derma E before? What were your thoughts? Let me know in the comments.

Published by Mercedes Moore

Hi, I'm Mercedes Moore. I'm a stay-at-home mom of two, author, and fitness professional. My main goal, however, is to connect with other moms and provide a safe space for us to grow and learn together.

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